Café Mon-Fri 7-14:30, Booking every day 7-22
+372 385 0385hotel

Front Page Rooms Room chart Accommo­dation prices Meeting room Sauna Bookings Contact Paide Café & Konverents


Services and prices

Roomwith break­fastwithout break­fastwith break­fast and dinner
for one person58 €48 €70 €
for one person, private70 €60 €82 €
for two persons78 €58 €102 €
for two persons, private90 €70 €114 €
for three persons99 €69 €135 €
for three persons, private110 €80 €146 €


Additional services

SaunaFirst hour35 €
Sauna extra time: each beginning half an hour17 €
Private saunaFirst hour 2–4 persons48 €
1–4 personsSauna extra time: each beginning half an hour24 €
Extra person10 €
Parking placeMotorcycle4 €
Passenger car7 €
Minibus, camper van, truck25 €

The prices include tax.
P.S. Prices do not include a commission to travel agency.

InfoTel. +372 385 0385
Info 22:00–07:00Tel. +372 505 0916

Pikk 42
72720 Paide, Estonia

Tel. +372 385 0385



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